List of Articles

Journal of Multimedia Information System. Vol. 10, No. 1, 2023

Section A
Noise Removal Technique for Document Images
J Multimed Inf Syst 2023;10(1):1-14.
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Development of ET-DR Algorithm to Enhance Resolution for Gaze Correction of Low-Resolution Image Based Webcam Eye Tracking
J Multimed Inf Syst 2023;10(1):15-24.
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Art Portrait Design Based on Mobile Internet in Digital Media
J Multimed Inf Syst 2023;10(1):25-34.
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Section B
Online New Media Oriented Privacy Data Recognition Mechanism Based on Deep Learning
J Multimed Inf Syst 2023;10(1):35-44.
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Multi-Class Classification Prediction Model for Password Strength Based on Deep Learning
J Multimed Inf Syst 2023;10(1):45-52.
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Lifelong Learning Architecture of Video Surveillance System
J Multimed Inf Syst 2023;10(1):53-58.
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Section C
Online Automatic English Translation Based on Mobile Edge Computing
J Multimed Inf Syst 2023;10(1):59-68.
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3D Dynamic Image Modeling Based on Machine Learning in Film and Television Animation
J Multimed Inf Syst 2023;10(1):69-78.
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Section D
A Study on the Utilization of OpenAI ChatGPT as a Second Language Learning Tool
J Multimed Inf Syst 2023;10(1):79-88.
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Analysis and Detection of Transmission Lines Based on Twin Reality
J Multimed Inf Syst 2023;10(1):89-100.
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