How should we aggregate data from the many sensors around the world? What is the optimal way, if any, to do that? Or more precisely, what exactly are the suitable measures for such new optimization problems? These are the issues that we focus on in this paper [1]. The background of our interest comes from the recent growth of the new digital world in which we can get data from huge numbers of sensors distributed worldwide. Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications are said to consume as much as 70 percent of information flows in the Internet—or perhaps we should say, the Internet of Things (IoT). This expanding digital universe offers so much data and information about our environment that we are able to understand what is happening around us even though we are not always staring at it right in front of us. Instead, loyal agents, sensors equipped with digital eyes and ears engineered by us, can keep gathering relevant information on our behalf [2]. However, this situation causes a new kind of problem. That is, since sensors have become cheap to buy or create, we might not have sufficient network capacity to carry the data streams generated by these diligent devices. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate how to manage a large number of sensors under realistic constraints on network resources, in particular, network bandwidth
To this aim, in this paper, we present a theoretical approach which is based on the Gaussian approximation. This is the most intuitive approach for analyzing and understanding the fundamental tradeoff, that is, using many sensors involves the difficult problem of collecting and merging data, whereas using very few sensors only offers little about the subject. The Gaussian analysis captures this sort of tradeoff quantitatively well with a rather simple and easy calculation. Moreover, we also show some non-trivial behavior of such data aggregation tasks, from a point of view of a new model for ad-hoc sensor networks.
In this paper, we consider a binary model for the sensing system. We assume that the state of the sensing target X(t) and the corresponding sensing result Ya(t) are all binary symbols for sensing event label t = 1,2,…,T and sensor label a = 1,2,…,L. We let x(t) be a realization of the random variable X(t) and ya(t) be a corresponding realization of the random variable Ya(t). In this paper, we assume that X(t) is a collection of the Bernoulli (1/2) random variables. That is, the probability of getting x(t) = 1 is always 1/2 for any t, and similarly for x(t) = 0. This simplest setup implies that there is no redundancy in the information.
Since we assume a certain level of noise, the individual values ya(t) could be different for different values of the sensor label a. The simplest model for the noisy sensing would be a stochastic process defined to be
which is often called the binary symmetric channel (BSC) in the field of information theory. Notice that we assumed that the flip probability is the same for all sensors.
Now, the sensors encode the noisy data bits ya(t) of length T into their codewords, say za (s), of length S that are also binary sequences. In such a case, the individual data rate for the encoding is R = S/T. We assume that the individual data rate does not depend on the value of the label a. Therefore, the combined data rate is simply given by the formula C = RL. In the CEO problem, a famous model for sensing and communications tasks, the encoding is done independently at every sensor a, while we have no such restrictions on the decoders. This separate encoding assumption is quite natural for a collection of independent sensors, since mutual communications tasks require some computational resources.
As for the decoding process, we use notations ŷa(t) for the reconstructions of noisy data bits ya(t). Contrary to the spirit of the CEO problem, we do not focus further on the optimal joint decoding with ŷa(t). Instead, we restrict ourselves on considering the practical scenario in which the estimate for the original data bits, say x̂, is determined by the collection of ŷa(t) that are independently decoded by the corresponding decoders.
Lastly, the central computer then uses the reconstructed data ŷa(t) to calculate the estimate x̂ for the original bit x. Here we assume that the reproductions ŷa(t) have the same distortion level, corresponding to the assumption that all sensor agents have the same ability for encoding/decoding tasks. This is called the exchangeable sensor ansatz.
Hereafter, what we call the distortion will be the Hamming distortion, defined to be
The distortion measure is so far defined on a bit-by-bit basis. However, it is an easy matter to extend the above definition to the whole sequence of bits. The distortion between the sequences would be the average value of such distortion bits 〈d(X(t),Ya(t))〉. Since we impose the exchangeable sensor ansatz, as is mentioned before, it is known that the optimal estimate for the original bit is nothing but the majority vote,
Together with the bit-wise calculation for each ŷa(t), which can be done sequentially, we can easily give the overall estimate for the original data bits x(t).
Next, we introduce and define the system-level performance based on what we call the expected bit error rate, or simply BER, in information theory. This measure could be written by P(X(t) ≠ X̂(t)) or more explicitly
for a given pair of noise level p and individual data rate R [3]. This indicates that overall systematic errors reduce exponentially fast when the combined data rate, not an individual one, tends to infinity. Since our exchangeable sensor ansatz yields the Bernoulli process in the analysis, it is an easy matter to check that for 0 < R ≤ 1,
where D(R) denotes the performance of our encoder and decoder pair [4]. The preceding formula for the exponential rate of decay is based on the simple Gaussian approximation, which enables us to qualitatively capture the system level behavior of a collective system of this kind. Below, Figure 3 shows the numerical evaluation for the tradeoff between the binary strategic options with the data rates R→0 and R=1, respectively. In the next section, we see what happens if the scheme is applied together with practical heuristics.
We first consider a class of practical encoders, which are based on low-density parity check error-correcting codes and message passing technique for lossy compression [5,6]. The simplest heuristic algorithm here would be one that is based on the so-called Thouless-Anderson-Palmer’s approach in physics, or what we call reinforcement belief propagation in terms of information theory. In our notations, the procedure can be written as below. Write a set of newly defined variables as for j = 1,2, …. Then, we find
with a posterior approximation
where J(t) represents the antipodal translation of x(t). These equations give an iterative procedure to get a collection of za (s) that could be calculated from the Boolean translation of for the steps j large enough [7].
To see how this works, we consider some simple examples which may demonstrate the potential benefit of our strategy. Figure 4 denotes the noisy data aggregation without any coding techniques. In other words, we set the value of individual data rate to be one. In this setup, the bit error rate for the final estimate would be 9%. On the other hand, Figure 5 represents the benefit from our sensing data aggregation strategy with some coding techniques. Here we find that the final bit error rate is as small as 5%. These results indicate that there exists a certain noise level in which our large scale data aggregation scheme does outperform the standard type of information gathering without the method of lossy data compression.
In this paper, we considered insights from a point of view of large deviations, where one observes a non-trivial tradeoff between the collection of many data and the collection of good data. Here we defined the system level optimality measure (1) as the exponential rate of decay of expected errors for the estimation, assuming that the system size would be large enough. According to the traditional and pedagogical Gaussian approach, one observes a kind of “phase transition” of optimal data rate with respect to the noise level. In other words, there is a critical point for the noise level, beyond which it is better for us to deploy as many sensors as possible. This is called the second order transition, implying the continuity of the optimal data rates for various noise levels.
Recently, we have shown that there may be another kind of transition if one considers sensor networks for which the combined data rate is not fixed but actually increases when we deploy more sensors. In this case, the behavior of the optimal data rate drastically changes.
In this case, we consider the dynamical capacity constraint CLγ = RL, instead of C = RL, with a parameter γ that controls the rate of increase of the total flow per target sink. While the condition γ = 0 retrieves the conventional CEO model, we could analyze more generic situations 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 by considering the same (1) as the optimality measure for the system [8]. As you can see in Figure 6 the optimal data rate is not a continuous function with respect to the noise level any more. Instead, it is discontinuous at the point around the critical point we have discussed in this paper. This type of transition is often called a first order transition in the field of statistical mechanics. At this point, however, this is nothing but a naïve conjecture based on the Gaussian approximation (2) with (3). We are now carrying out a large scale simulation to verify this phenomenon.
In this paper, we consider a binary model for the sensing system. We assume that the state of the sensing target X(t) and the corresponding sensing result Ya(t) are all binary symbols for sensing event label t = 1,2,…,T and sensor label a = 1,2,…,L. We let x(t) be a realization of the random variable X(t) and ya(t) be a corresponding realization of the random variable Ya(t). In this paper, we assume that X(t) is a collection of the Bernoulli(1/2) random variables. That is, the probability of getting x(t) = 1 is always 1/2 for any t, and similarly for x(t) = 0. This simplest setup implies that there is no redundancy in the information.