List of Articles

Journal of Multimedia Information System. Vol. 6, No. 2, 2019

Special Section
Plant Species Identification based on Plant Leaf Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning Techniques
J Multimed Inf Syst 2019;6(2):49-60.
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Comparison of Topology Based-Routing Protocols in Wireless Network
J Multimed Inf Syst 2019;6(2):61-66.
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Estimation of Lower Jaw Density using CT data
J Multimed Inf Syst 2019;6(2):67-74.
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Comparative Study to Measure the Performance of Commonly Used Machine Learning Algorithms in Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease
J Multimed Inf Syst 2019;6(2):75-80.
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Tissue Level Based Deep Learning Framework for Early Detection of Dysplasia in Oral Squamous Epithelium
J Multimed Inf Syst 2019;6(2):81-86.
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Brief Paper: Evaluation of Subtractive Clustering based Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System with Fuzzy C-Means based ANFIS System in Diagnosis of Alzheimer
J Multimed Inf Syst 2019;6(2):87-90.
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Section A
Three-dimensional Face Recognition based on Feature Points Compression and Expansion
J Multimed Inf Syst 2019;6(2):91-98.
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Medical Diagnosis Algorithm Based on Tongue Image on Mobile Device
J Multimed Inf Syst 2019;6(2):99-106.
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Section D
A Nationwide Study on Optical Analysis for Expecting HEOs to Support Ambulances
J Multimed Inf Syst 2019;6(2):107-118.
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